Page 30 - O2-A3_DELTA_EN_Toolkit_for_Mentors_and_Tutors
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Developing Expertise in
Work-Based Learning and
Teaching Assessment (DELTA)
Step 1: Preparation Step 2: Demonstration
First of all you should prepare yourself: Clarify the First you carry out the whole operation quickly and in
previous experience of the trainees, what are the time of a skilled expert, so that the trainees get an
abilities they already possess and what should they impression of what they should master themselves
learn additionally. Dis-assemble the task in single in future. Afterwards everything is demonstrated
steps and consider which explanations are once again, this time, however – according to the
necessary for the single working steps. First of all preparation – slowly and disassembled in single
you should try out everything without presence of the working steps. Besides, you explain in each case
trainees. Also the work space and the trainees have what you just do as you do it and why you do it that
to be prepared: Lay out all required tools, materials way. Invite your trainees to ask questions if they do
and visual aids in a clear structure. Face to the not understand any-thing. And point out over and
trainees openly and friendly. Explain the upcoming over again what particularly has to be followed for
subject and the aim of this learning unity. Try to reasons of working security. Whether you still repeat
stimulate their interest in learning and attention. If the operation once more – quickly or again slowly
you are not sure, ask for their previous experience. with explanations – depends on the previous
Finally, make sure that the trainees are able to experience of the trainees and also of whether they
observe everything well. already have the confidence to try out themselves.
Step 3: Copy Step 4: Practice
In the next step the trainee carries out the activity Withdraw more and more and let the trainees
demonstrated before under your supervision – first practice independently. The learners thereby win
concentrated on the operation without comments security, routine and working velocity. You stay
from the instructors side. You intervene only if it is available for questions and can still pro-mote the
absolutely necessary, for instance when the trainee learning process, while you raise the degree of
does not know how to proceed or if the success is difficulty of the work or the working velocity. It could
questioned or the working security is endangered. make sense to create alternate with other tasks.
Also in such a case, give only instructions – no Thereby you also strengthen the learning effect and
criticism or even reprimand! On the contrary, prevent boredom.
confirmation and recognition of correct work are
motivating. Then the trainees follow your example
and explain each of their working steps.
Aim of the vocational training is that trainees obtain
occupational competence. With priority it is a matter of
enabling the trainees to act proper, independent and
responsible in their professional framework. A learning order
is suitable to promote this independency and an action full
IO2: Toolbox for Tutors and Mentors DELTA - 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036810 Seite 29
This project
has been funded with support from the European Commission. This
publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information