Page 31 - O2-A3_DELTA_EN_Toolkit_for_Mentors_and_Tutors
P. 31

Developing Expertise in
                                                Work-Based Learning and
                                              Teaching Assessment (DELTA)

        of responsibility. It is characteristic for the learning instruction that it concerns a relatively complicated plan
        which orientates itself to a working order or customer order: beginning with the procurement of necessary
        information and the planning of the action about the realisation up to the control and assessment of the
        work results. Besides, one calls this action also “​complete action​“.

        It is optimum if you can take up a real working order or customer order and pass on as a learning order to
        your trainees: Thereby trainees extensively work under the real conditions of the everyday working life.
        They contribute with it to the company result, they find out that their work is “valuable”. This promotes the
        motivation and with it the learning effect. And in the ideal case work is taken from you as a responsible
        expert. The education relieves you and causes no additional efforts

        The following steps belong to the complete action:

        1. Inform:​ The trainees make them-selves familiar with the setting of tasks, they inform themselves what
        they have to do.

        2. Plan:​ The trainees plan the course, the material regulation, the expenditure of time to the execution of
        the job.

        3. Decide:​ The compiled planning is discussed with the training expert and the decision on the final
        procedure is made.

        4. Realise:​ The trainees carry out the setting of tasks according to the planning. The task of the training
        expert is to observe the working method of the trainees, to give assistance and to pay attention to the
        observance of the security regulations.

        5. Control:​ The result of working first is controlled from the trainees, if necessary with the on basis of a
        controlling sheet.

        6. Evaluate:​ Finally the result of working and also the approach are discussed with the training expert

        IO2:​ ​Toolbox for Tutors and Mentors           DELTA - 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036810   Seite 30

                                                                                                          This project
        has been funded with support from the European Commission.                                        This
        publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author,
        and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
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