Page 23 - O2-A3_DELTA_EN_Toolkit_for_Mentors_and_Tutors
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Developing Expertise in
                                                Work-Based Learning and
                                              Teaching Assessment (DELTA)


                  Check that the learner has adequate insurance cover for health, medical, accident, property,
                  liability and liability to third parties. Ensure that the learner is aware of insurance issues.

        Shared responsibility

        •      Check that there is a written agreement.

        •      Go through the learner’s tasks before the internship and make a risk assessment.

        •      Ensure that there are routines concerning how communication
               should be carried out between the learner  and the company.

        •      Check that there are routines for reporting incidents and injuries.

        •      Make sure that account is taken of young people under the age of 18 (minors).

        •      Ensure that the student, if required, has the necessary medical checks, is authorized
               e.g. to drive a truck, or if the provision on minors indicates any restriction.

        •      Establish whether the learner has disabilities which one does not see immediately, or
               if the student has demonstrated a lack of judgment that may be of importance
               from a safety point of view.

        Corporate responsibility

        •      Inform the learner of the instructions that apply at work.
        •      Introduce to the learner during the first few days: routines, working hours, escape
               routes, tasks, contact persons etc.

        IO2:​ ​Toolbox for Tutors and Mentors           DELTA - 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036810   Seite 22

                                                                                                          This project
        has been funded with support from the European Commission.                                        This
        publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author,
        and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
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