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Developing Expertise in
                                                Work-Based Learning and
                                              Teaching Assessment (DELTA)

        3. Organizational demands (tips for companies)


        In today’s competitive world, the industry needs more people in the workplace with higher level skills. Many
        employers that support learning and development for their staff have a more skilled, motivated and loyal
        workforce. All companies need well qualified employee – skilled workers.

        For companies that depend on having people with the right skills and qualifications – particularly in
        technology and engineering – this is especially important. One way to remain competitive is to have a
        roadmap adapted to focus on the recruitment, development and retention of a skilled and adaptable
        workforce as part of a strategic planning process. This can be done simply and support is available from
        local training and education providers.

        We believe that quality attracts more learners to vocational training, and all this must be seen against the
        background of the large-scale recruitment needs in the industry. The following chapters provide tips for
        organisational demands, general tips for work-based learning and the opportunity to compare and reflect on
        how small and medium size companies can benefit from strategic workforce planning.

        Chart: Internship - a way for business to stay competitive

        IO2:​ ​Toolbox for Tutors and Mentors           DELTA - 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036810   Seite 18

                                                                                                          This project
        has been funded with support from the European Commission.                                        This
        publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author,
        and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
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