Page 38 - O2-A3_DELTA_EN_Toolkit_for_Mentors_and_Tutors
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Developing Expertise in
Work-Based Learning and
Teaching Assessment (DELTA)
The use of an assessment plan to track assessment progress and methods can be deemed as best
practice in trainee assessment. A good example of an assessment plan can be found on pages 16-18 of
the SDA publication Guidance on Assessment of SVQ's (2013) which can be found online via
5.4.Intermediary assessment / final assessment
Intermediate examination
To the inquiry of the education status an intermediate examination is carried out during the training period.
About the participation a certificate is issued. Passing the intermediate examination is an authorizing
condition for the final examination. It contains a statement above the education status, which was
ascertained in the examination.
Final examination
The final examination gives answers whether the candidate owns the necessary skills and the necessary
practical and theoretical knowledge and competences to become a skilled worker. In addition the final
examination certifies if he or she is familiar with the essential teaching material, which is provided to him or
her in the vocational school lessons and residential address. If the training has not carried out by the
training employer himself, the instructor should also sign the report.
The education report should be provided in written form. It contains, in any case, the date of the exhibition
as well as the signature of the training employer, if necessary also those of the instructor. Besides,
information about kind, duration and the aim of the training as well as about the acquired skills and
knowledge of the trainee is requested. By request of the trainee could also to be added information about
guidance, achievement and special technical abilities (Certified education and training report).
a) The basic education and training report
The basic education and training report contains information on:
● Kind (operational vocational training),
● Duration (juridical, not actual duration),
● Aim of the vocational training (occupation)
● Acquired skills and knowledge of the trainees.
The basic report is a pure activity description without evaluation. Assessments may not be contained in the
activity description.
b) The certified education and training report
In the certified training report information about behaviour, achievement and special technical abilities of the
trainee is supplemented. Also a shortening of the period of training (on account of previous training at
school or professional) is to be mentioned. Among the rest, information about social behavior contains:
● Behaviour towards superiors and colleagues
IO2: Toolbox for Tutors and Mentors DELTA - 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036810 Seite 37
This project
has been funded with support from the European Commission. This
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