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Developing Expertise in
                                                Work-Based Learning and
                                              Teaching Assessment (DELTA)

        6. Validation and Recognition

        Validation and recognition tend to be outside the scope of the employer and/or mentor dependent upon the
        specific country and qualifications authority, however as previously discussed, the employer / mentor will be
        involved in the assessment of the trainee leading to the validation of their learning.

        Some mentors find it helpful to create a personal transcript of the trainee’s progress and stages of learning
        which may well be used during the assessment process.

        - Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA). (2014) Assessment in Apprenticeships, White Paper 1 [online]. Available at​  (Accessed: 22/01/2019)

        - Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA). (2013) Guidance on Assessment of SVQ's [online]. Available at​ (Accessed: 21/01/2019)

        Especially for trainees who still have no comparative graduations because of their low work experience it is
        important to know how the training company estimates their learning state or performance level and their
        behaviour. During an assessment conversation it often becomes clear to them how far and how well they
        have developed in their vocational training.

        Hence, the assessment conversation pursues three aims:
        1. Feedback to the trainee above his or her state of education and behaviour
        2. Motivation of the trainee to other learning achievements and working achievements
        3. Arrangement of supporting measures for the optimization of the learning achievement and efficiency

        Providing feedback to the trainee gives him / her the possibility to learn from mistakes and to use his or her
        individual strengths even more deliberately. In addition, the assessment conversation offers the opportunity
        to the trainee to express an opinion on the assessment results or to put questions.

        Whether an evaluation is successful or remains without success, primarily, the assessment conversation
        decides. In the ideal case it increases the motivation and with it the achievement for the enterprise and
        improves – by mutual constructive feedback – the relation between trainee and instructor.
        Besides, important for the success of an assessment conversation is the real dialogue. The trainee may be
        pushed not merely in the role of the passive listener, but should be involved as an education partner in the
        search for optimization.

        Learner attainment of outcomes is measured against standards and criteria. Assessment methods shift
        from norm-referenced (learner attainment based on ranking within a cohort) to criterion-referenced
        approaches (learning attainment based on performance relative to set standards and criteria). In principle,
        criterion-referenced assessments support greater equity of learner outcomes, as the aim is to help all
        learners meet intended outcomes.

        IO2:​ ​Toolbox for Tutors and Mentors           DELTA - 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036810   Seite 39

                                                                                                          This project
        has been funded with support from the European Commission.                                        This
        publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author,
        and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
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